Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

Picnic in Central Park, yes please :)

I met up with several of the girls from my Bible study today for a lovely picnic in the park. We had fruits and veggies, I made homemade salsa, and we even had mimosas! Definitely a different vibe than burgers, potato salad and beer that picnics back home usually entailed :)

You kind of have to approach a picnic here differently though. First of all you can't pack stuff in a car because no one has one, so that's pretty limiting. Second, people in NY don't cook, so that's even more limiting. Either way, it was still a lot of fun, someone even brought Taboo!

Where was John you ask....working.....on Memorial!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why did I ever leave???

The World Cheese Dip Festival is taking place this fall in ARKANSAS!!!!

I'm kind of speechless right now. First of all the fact that there even is a world cheese dip festival and second it's in Arkansas! Seriously, why did I ever leave?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Just Another Evening in NYC

John and I went to see A Behanding in Spokane a couple of weekends ago. It starred Christopher Walken and Sam Rockwell. The play was perfect for Chirstopher Walken and was pretty funny but it was the events before and after the play that were the most notable.

I don't know how much you watch the news, but this happened to be the night there was a bomb scare in Times Square (well the first one anyway). When we got off the subway in Times Square we were immediately herded away from Times Square and we had to do some maneuvering just to get to the theater. At that point no one in the crowd thought it was anything but a car fire. We made it to the theater but apparently soon after the streets were closed completely. The theater held the curtain for about 30 minutes but the seats were barely half full to what was supposed to be a sold out show. The plus side is that we paid for seats at the back of the mezzanine and we got to move down to the very first row of the balcony!

After the show was over the theater manager said that 45th street was completely closed and we would have to exit the rear of the theater. The whole audience was herded out of the back alley; from the alley we were again herded away from Times Square. The whole time people were trying to get as close to the police barricades as possible to see what was going on while the police were screaming "go home!" It was a little crazy to say the least.

This turned out to be the first of many bomb scares in Times Square in a short time frame but all of the ones after this were just people being super nervous after the real thing. At the time it didn't seem like a big deal but now that all of the information has been released its a little more frightening that we were in the same area where a car bomb only failed to detonate, granted we wouldn't have ever been close enough to have gotten hurt :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Movie Sets

So another one of the perks of living in NYC is that there is always something filming somewhere. A couple of weeks ago I was walking home from work and walked down 27th street, a block down from my apartment. I wasn't really paying attention until I started to notice lots of unfamiliar things and started to question whether I was on the right street or not. It turns out I was on the right street but my street had been turned into a movie set taking place in the 1940's. HBO was getting ready to film their miniseries Mildred Pierce starring Kate Winslet. The whole block got turned into a scene from way back. They turned some empty lease space into a cute little café and travel agency. Saturday when they started filming the streets were full of antique cars and people dressed in period clothing. Most movie scenes are filmed inside and so even though you can see that something is being filmed you often can't see any of the set or the actors. This was really fun to watch because it was all outside. I didn't stay and wait to see Kate Winslet but just seeing the elaborate set was fun enough for me :)

On a completely different note, I passed Neal Caffrey from White Collar coming out of filming as I was coming back from lunch the other day. I was so excited because he's quite handsome and that's one of my favorite shows. Unfortunately there was no one to share my excitement with because apparently no one else watches White Collar :(

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Robin Hood

One of the perks of living in NYC is that occasionally you get to go to movie screenings. So far I've been to two. I saw It's Complicated a while ago with Susy and last week John and I got to see Robin Hood. They're kind of fun to go to since you get to see the movie before its released and you get to see it for free :)

John and I both enjoyed Robin Hood, the storyline was great. It was supposed to be the beginning of the Robin Hood we know but I thought it was a little odd that this was the story of the making of the man Robin Hood and Russell Crow and Cate Blanchett(Lady Marion) were clearly in their 40's. I guess every other movie about Robin Hood has portrayed him a little younger. I think I'm maybe getting a little tired of Russell Crow too since he seems to play the same role over and over again. It probably didn't help that we had recently watched Gladiator on tv and Robin Hood is essentially the same story…loyal soldier betrayed by his leader, loses someone important to him, and eventually fights back.

Even though I wasn't a huge fan of the star of the movie, it was still fun to go see and hey, it was free! With the amount of movies John and I go see we could definitely use a free movie every now and then :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

I can't believe it's May already, where in the world did April go??? I kind of lost track of time and got lazy in April so I have several posts from a couple of weeks ago that I'll be posting soon, I promise :)